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    发布时间:2024-06-03 23:05:18

    2024年5月9日,由皇冠体育(SCIA)和华南(香港)国际仲裁院(SCIA HK)携手香港特别行政区政府律政司、香港国际仲裁中心举办的第二十六届国际商事仲裁理事会(ICCA Congress)深圳边会(下称“深圳边会”)在深圳前海国际仲裁大厦(SCIA Tower)举行。香港律师会会长陈泽铭为深圳边会作开幕致辞,现将其发言摘录如下。

    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,
    Unlike the last speaker, I prepared my speech in Chinese, as that was my original intention. However, upon seeing the composition of the audience, I realized I should begin with a few words in English before switching back to my prepared speech in Chinese. I must apologize to the interpreters for this switch between languages.
    There’s a reason for this linguistic flexibility. Hong Kong, being an international legal hub, is one of the few truly bilingual jurisdictions in the world. Under the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, which serves as our constitutional document, both English and Chinese are recognized as official languages in Hong Kong. This bilingual nature is a key aspect of our legal and cultural identity.
    Let me start with a story. I arrived last night and had the opportunity to dine with a Japanese lawyer, a long-term friend of mine. She was amazed when I mentioned Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, as she had not heard of it before. I told her about the overall development plan for Qianhai, the impressive architecture in this area, and the focus on international legal services, including international arbitration.
    Her amazement grew when I explained that the concept of Qianhai was only developed in 2011. In just twelve to thirteen years, we have achieved this level of development. Her jaw dropped at the realization. This story is a testament to why we encourage the international community to visit Shenzhen. Shenzhen is known as a special economic zone, and Qianhai is often referred to as the jewel of the crown within that zone.
    I’m told there will be a city tour after our event, so I encourage you to join it. It will be an excellent opportunity to witness the development in Qianhai firsthand.
    That was my impromptu English opening. Now, let’s switch back to the topic of today’s discussion.





    香港律师会拥有超过13,000名会员,他们在940多家香港律师事务所工作。我认为他们在仲裁领域可以在三个方面提供协助:一方面,他们可以成为仲裁员;另一方面,他们可以担任法律顾问;当然,他们也可以作为仲裁程序的律师代理人。特别值得一提的是,前面提到的13,000多名会员中,有25%是企业内部律师(企业法务),即我们所说的in-house lawyer,在仲裁过程中可以扮演许多重要角色,因此我们可以更多地考虑让他们参与到仲裁程序中。

    最后,我要再次对香港国际仲裁中心表示祝贺,祝贺其成功举办了ICCA大会,这也是ICCA历史上参加人数最多的一次会议。同时,也要感谢ICCA 大会深圳边会的成功举办,我要对香港国际仲裁中心和皇冠体育的努力表示感谢。
